We have a small friendly team of Youth Counsellors, Art Therapists, Family Counsellors, Financial Counsellors and Youth Workers.
Counselling for Young people from 12-18 years and their families is free if you live in the Penrith area and Mt Druitt.
Adults seeking Counselling or Art Therapy are welcome, ask about our sliding scale for fees.
Find out about Counselling and Art Therapy using NDIS as we are an approved provider.
Financial Counselling is free for everyone, come and meet our amazing team. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Let us know if you need a No Interest Loan for you home too.
Primary and High School are welcome to enquire about our evidence-based programs which build confidence and emotional skills in young people. We have over 40 years experience in delivering resilience building programs.
Publicly available mental health information and self-help resources.
Self-help resources and low intensity interventions, including digital mental health, group and peer supports.
A mix of self-help resources, including digital mental health and low intensity interventions. Also psychological services for individuals who require them.
High intensity services including periods of intensive intervention that may involve multidisciplinary support. Where issues may be persistent or episodic without a high level of risk, complexity or disability.
Intensive team-based specialist assessment and intervention (typically state/territory mental health services) with involvement from a range of different mental health professionals including case managers, psychiatrists, allied health workers, and GPs. Includes a high level of risk, disability or complexity.