Need help finding a service? Call the Head to Health support line on 1800 595 212.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If your life or the life of someone you know is in danger, call emergency services on 000.
13YARN is a national crisis support line run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.
A and D Child and Family Support
We are registered with the NDIS and the Office of the Children's Guardian. We can provide support with; • supported accommodation • crisis care &bul
Abby Health
Join Abby Health app and enjoy 100% bulk-billed telehealth consultations with Australian doctors online! Become a valued member of the Abby Health family and
ADHD Support Australia
We provide a nurturing and friendly online community and live expert speaker events where you can build your knowledge and learn how to manage ADHD. Our popul
Angel of Mercy
We work with multicultural communities from African and Arabic communities. Clients are mainly from Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Zimbabwee, Ghana, Eritrea, Nigeria
Assertive Response & Outreach Team (ARO)
Provides more regular support in the community where there are issues of safety, or things are more complex.
Assessment & Therapy Team (A&T)
Provides Mental Health Assessments and therapy services to children and young people aged 5-17.
BaptistCare Counselling & Family Services
We offer generalist counselling to individuals, couples, children & families experiencing difficulties in the areas of relationship, separation, depression, i
Beyond Blue
Telephone counselling service available at all times and website with depression and anxiety self-assessment checklist.
Black Dog Institute
Adults can complete a range of clinical assessments for common mental health conditions. At the end the person will receive a personlaised report with suggest
To keep you motivated we offer a relaxed and friendly place to help you improve your fitness and health, from yoga to weights to circuit training, individuali
Blackheath Physiowalks
Men's walking group with a physio in Blackheath area. Come along, get social and meet new people while mainting your health.
Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture & Resource Centre
The Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture & Resource Centre provides services and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People who permanently or tempo
Blue Mountains Bipolar Support group
The Blue Mountains Bipolar Support Group offers a safe space for people to meet, give and gain support, share challenges, strategies and success stories.
Blue Mountains Bipolar Support Group
This support group is for people with Bipolar and their carers. You are welcome to attend fortnightly, monthly or just pop in when you feel you need a little
Blue Mountains Iyengar Yoga Studio
A fully equipped yoga studio located in Katoomba, surrounded by World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park, a stunning location.
Our IN-STUDIO clas
Blue Mountains ME/CFS/FM Support Group
Support group for anyone suffering from Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or Fibromyalgia (FM). An active group for sufferers who
Blue Mountains Older Persons Community Team
The Blue Mountains Older Persons Community Mental Health Team provides a range of trauma informed and recovery orientated services designed to help support pe
Blue Mountains Older Persons Mental Health
The Older Persons Mental Health Service (formerly SMHSOP) provides assistance to clients over 65 with mental health problems who require assessment and in pat
Blue Mountains Womens Health Resource Centre
Provide a range of health and social services including free women's health clinics, allied health, GP, registered nurse, counselling, acupuncture, massage th
Blue Mountains Women’s Health - Katoomba
Walking group in Katoomba!!!!
Walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke by 35% percent and Type 2 diab
Blue Pages
Website with information about symptoms, treatments, help and resources, and prevention of depression.
Boyce & Dale Anxiety and Mood Disorders Clinic
Evidence-based psychological therapy to treat anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and mood disorders. Our Clinical Psychologists have over 10 years of experience i
Bridging the Gap Child Youth and Family Centres
We have a small friendly team of Youth Counsellors, Art Therapists, Family Counsellors, Financial Counsellors and Youth Workers.
Counselling for Young peop
Butterfly Foundation
Support for people affected by eating disorders and negative body image - person with the illness, their family and their friends. They operate a national hel
Cancer Hub
Cancer Hub is here to help families impacted by cancer (with children aged 0-25) more easily access the practical and emotional support they need.
Their ch
Carer Gateway Counselling Service
The Carer Gateway Counselling Service is a free service for carers. Each weekday, from 8:00am to 6:00pm, our professional counsellors are waiting to talk thro
Central Intake NBM Mental Health Line
Central phone access point for mental health services in the Nepean, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains area
Changing for Good
Changing for Good is a free multi-session phone counselling service for men who want to develop healthy and respectful relationships with the people in their
Child and Youth Mental Health Services ( CYMHS)
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District has a specialist mental health service for children and young people. This is called the Child and Youth Mental He
CHSP Social Support
Springwood Neighbourhood Centre Co-operative's Commonwealth Home Support Program provides regular and ongoing social support to seniors living at home. Our tr
Claire Barkhuizen
We are committed to a Psychology practice that offers accessible, evidence-based mental healthcare, lifestyle and wellness coaching in a warm, safe and welcom
Clear View Psychology Services Pty Ltd
Clear View Psychology Services prides itself on timely treatment intervention to promote effective recovery across multiple community and workplace settings.
Commonwealth Psychosocial Support program
The Commonwealth Psychosocial Support service, provided by Flourish Australia, assists people with a severe mental illness who have reduced psychosocial funct
Cornelia De Wel Psychologist
Cornelia provides quality therapy for adults, young people and families.
Counselling and Therapy Centre - St John of God Health Care
Counselling and therapy programs for mental health, relationship difficulties and drug and alcohol issues for people over 18.
Digital Mentoring
One-on-one sessions to help you learn how to use technology.
Learn to use phones, tablets, computers, social media etc.
Doing It Tough website
The Doing it Tough website connects men in NSW who are looking for support with addiction, relationship issues, financial difficulties, abuse, job related cha
Dokotela Telepsychiatry Service
Dokotela provides free telepsychiatry consultations for people living in the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow and Penrith regions who experience severe and
DV West
DV West's vision is for a society free of violence against women and children; a society where women and children are safe in their homes and in their communi
A free online, self-directed training program which provides interactive self-help and evidence based information to help uses understand and manage symptoms
Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Program
The Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) Team sees young people aged 12-24 who are experiencing, or who are likley to experience psychosis for the first time.
Empowered Mind and Body Lawson
Empowered Mind and Body offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services. I create a safe and supportive environment. One of care, hope, compassion, respect and
Empowered Mind and Body Penrith
Empowered Mind and Body offers Counselling and Psychotherapy services. I create a safe and supportive environment. One of care, hope, compassion, respect and
End of Life Health Connector
Health Connectors are community development workers who act as a bridge between
formal/healthcare providers (GP's, aged, community and palliative care, volun
Family & Carers Mental Health Program
Family and Carers Mental Health Program - Nepean Blue Mountains provide three types of support:
Community based education and training programs to famil
Family and Carer Mental Health Program - Uniting Care
The Family and Carer Mental Health Program is for carers of a loved one is living with emotional distress, trauma, mental health issues or suicidal ideation a
Feel the Magic
Feel the Magic is an Australian charity providing early intervention grief education programs for kids aged 7 to 18, who are experiencing pain and isolation d
Finding Felicity Counselling
Finding Felicity Counselling provides online counselling services to women experiencing mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, experiencing gri
G'day Line
What is G'day Line? G'day Line isn't just a helpline - it's a space for heartfelt conversations, personalised resources, and connections to activities that ma
Offers free and confidential information, counselling and professional support services to people with a gambling-related issue, promotes gambling-awareness,
Speak to an Aboriginal-specific gambling counsellor over the phone for free. Gambling upport Aboriginal people and their families.
Garry Sims APM - RUOK? Community Ambassador
The message from Garry Sims APM, an experienced R U OK? Community Ambassador is that a conversation can change a life Garry has a mission to inspire and empow
Gig Buddies Greater Western Sydney
Gig Buddies is a befriending project that matches an adult with a mild to moderate learning disability and/or autism with a volunteer with similar interests t
GP Psychiatry Support Line
Free service to GPs to assist in managing the care of MH consumers. Provides advice for GPs about diagnosis, investigation, medication, and safety planning.
Grief Line
Free national support line dedicated to loss and grief counselling. It provides anonymous support and specialist counselling services to individuals and famil
Many people don't know how to respond to grief, whether their own or others. We are the frontline first responders to grief for hundreds of Australians every
Happy Buddha Yoga
Your local Wentworth Falls yoga studio!
We are located in Happy Buddha Retreats and we offer classes every single day. We offer yoga for everyone, whether
Head to Health - digital mental health services
Wherever you are on your mental health journey, Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) is there to help you find the information, resources, and services tha
Head to Health Penrith
Penrith Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) Centre is a free service offering caring, friendly and helpful support for people experiencing psychological d
Head to Health Phone Service
Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) phone service. You can make a free call to Head to Health on 1800 595 212 to speak to a mental health clinician for ad
headspace Katoomba
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing o
headspace Penrith
headspace provides free, early intervention mental health support to young people aged 12-25 years old and their friends and family. Promoting the wellbeing o
headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program (hYEPP)
headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program offers free and confidential support for young people (12-25yrs) who are experiencing an early episode of psychosis or
Healing Hands Complete Care
Healing Hands Complete Care, we offer flexibility across all our services. Mental Health/Disability Day Programe Service - Blacktown Monday to Friday, Thursda
Health Foundation Walking Group - Leura
Weekly walking group every Tuesday.
Meeting point is generally outside the Leura CWA Hall at 9am.
Healthy Connections Clinical Psychology
At Healthy Connections, our genuine desire is to improve mental well-being by fostering healthy connections between and within individuals, families, couples,
Healthy Mind - Black Dog Institue
A free online ready tool designed to help people with mild to borderline intellectual disability who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety and
It can be hard to find the right support to discuss issues at work that are impacting your wellbeing, or personal issues that might be impacting your work.
Heart & Soul Fitness - Glenbrook
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul Fitness m
Heart & Soul Fitness - Katoomba
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul Fitness m
Heart & Soul Fitness - Springwood
A friendly, non-gym environment - go at your own pace
Health & Soul Fitness is run by a qualified and registered fitness instructor. Heart & Soul Fitness m
Homelessness Mental Health Team
The Homelessness Mental Health Team offers a multidisciplinary approach to the bio psychosocial assessment and treatment of people who are homeless and experi
Hope4u foundation
Free counselling service provider that supports individuals or groups for specialised trauma.
Struggling with anxiety or depression or had trauma in you li
Hope4U Foundation
Free counselling service provider that supports individuals or groups for specialised trauma, suicide loss, suicidal ideation, self-harm, PTSD, anxiety, domes
Hospital to Home
Hospital to Home provides outreach support within three months of loss to bereaved parents who have experienced the death of a baby or infant through stillbir
Johanna Dennis Psychology
Provides psychological counselling, including support with anxiety/depression, grief, interpersonal challenges, work related challenges, life transitions, sle
Katoomba Community Mental Health Team
The Katoomba Community Mental Health Team provides a range of trauma informed and recovery orientated services designed to help support people aged between 18
Katoomba Sports & Aquatic Centre
Provide the local community with opportunities to maintain and promote a healthy and active lifestyle, emphasising awareness on water safety.
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is a national, free, confidential online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week whi
A free, national, 24 hour telephone counselling service for people in a mental health crisis. Services are specific to the needs of the local community and ca
LikeMind - Penrith
LikeMind is an adult mental health service which aims to provide support for adults (18+ years old) with mental health concerns, as well as their families and
Lisa Paul Counselling/Psychotherapy
Lisa is a Counsellor/Psychotherapist specialising in Perinatal Mental Health and currently working in the Penrith and Windsor areas. Lisa has a background as
Live Life Get Active
A registered health promotion charity that offers a free outdoor, physical exercise and mental health support program in seven locations locally and as online
Lives Lived Well - Dianella Day Program
Lives Lived Well provides free alcohol and drug counselling through our Dianella Day Program. No need for bags to be packed! Through our new day program, you
Made Of Stardust - Mind Body Spirit Coach
Teaching you the truth about how to harness your innate power to heal and thrive. Move beyond your diagnosis/label and discover the root cause of your symptom
MATES is a charity established to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian construction, mining, energy, and manufacturing workers.
MATES supports
Matilda Nepean
Matilda Nepean is a private hospital at Kingswood that provides a private mental health service that delivers assessment, treatment and support for a range of
Men's Shed - Blackheath
The Blackheath Area Men's Shed has been formed as a community initiative to encourage men to get together around those things that men enjoy - having a yarn o
Men's Stretch and Strengthen Class
A men's only class - run by a male physiotherapist and sports trainer. The aim of the strength and stretch class is to prevent injuries, reduce back pain, bec
Men's Walking Group
Walking group mainly consists of retired men however, others are welcome to join. Come socialise, walk with us and get the chance to meet new people hopefully
Free telephone and online support, information and referral service for men, specialising in family and relationship concerns, family violence, addiction, sui
Mental Health & Wellbeing Support Group
This support group is for anyone who has experinced mental health issues. This group combines a mix of guest speakers, peer support as well as artistic activi
Mental Health Access Line
A free, 24-hour emergency/crisis service for people with acute psychiatric illness and/or distress, or experiencing suicidal crisis. It will direct peopl
Mental Health Access Line
A free, 24-hour emergency/crisis service for people with acute psychiatric illness and/or distress. It will direct people to the right care, allowing people w
Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program
Mental health nurses work with individuals who live with complex and severe mental illness providing support to individuals in collaboration with their carers
Mental Health Online
Mental Health Online provides comprehensive and effective online services, resources and programs free of charge. If you're experiencing mental distress incl
Mental Health Support Group
Support group for people who are living with mental health issues and the people who support them. Our support group is a safe space for anyone to share their
Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia
NFP, self-help, support and advocacy organisation for helping people with serious mental illness and their families/friends.
Details of Mental Health Carers Australia centres for the wellbeing of families and voluntary carers of people with mental illness.
Mid Mountains Walkers
Regular physical activity can help with both your physical and mental wellbeing. It helps you
reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
Mind Health
Mind Health is a leading mental health service provider in Parramatta & Sydney, offering personalised, goal-oriented care for a wide range of concerns, includ
Mind Over Matter Psychological Services
Navin Goonniah is a registered psychologist with over 10 years experience. He has worked in recruitment, child protection services, workers compensation, job
MindFlare - Psychology
At MindFlare, we specialise in creating unique tailored Psychology experiences that combine the latest technologies, evidence based research and best of all,
Australian Government website with information for people with mental health problems, their carers and professionals. Has a portal to access online therapy p
A free telephone and online service for adults which provides assessment, treatment and education courses for anxiety and depression, including, stress, OCD,
Miracle Babies Foundation - Premature birth support
Australia's leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them. Nurtureline: 24 hour family sup
Free online training portal that aims to teach the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), as well as relaxation and meditation techniques.
Mountain Blue Therapy
Stephanie is a counsellor who provides therapy services to children, teenagers and adults. She is experienced working with adolescents, and also provides supp
myCompass - Black Dog Institute
Free online portal which aims to promote mental resiliance and wellbeing in patients aged > 18 years. Includes interactive self-help resources for tracking
Mypower Foundations
Mypower Foundations provides supports for individuals living with a disability in the areas of social and community supports, domestic assistance, transport a
National Psychosocial Support
Service for people with a severe mental illness 18 years and older, residing in the Nepean Blue Mountains region (Penrith, Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains or Lithg
Nepean Anxiety Disorders Clinic
The Nepean Anxiety Disorders Clinic provides assessment and treatment for clients with a primary anxiety disorder, including panic disorder, agoraphobia, OCD,
Nepean Community Neighbourhood Services - child and family support
Functional Family Therapy-Child Welfare is an evidenced-based Family Therapy program designed for families where a risk of significant harm report exists in r
New Age Psychology Services
New Age Psychology offers psychotherapy sessions for diverse range of psychological problems. We have expertise in DBT, cognitive behavior therapy and schema
NewAccess - Marathon Health
A mental health coaching service for those 16 and over, experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression, accessible by phone or videoconferencing. We
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)
STARTTS' services are free for people of any age who have survived torture and/or trauma and are refugees, asylum seekers, from refugee-like backgrounds. They
Offers free access to online programs, information, quizzes and advice. Supporting the Australian community to achieve mental and physical health and wellbein
Open Arms Veterans & Family Counselling
Open Arms is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week by calling 1800 011 046. We provide free and confidential counselling, group programs and lived experienc
Parent Line
A free telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children aged 0 to 18 who live in New South Wales. Calls are answered by a team
pcyc penrith
COTA's Strength for Life program at Penrith PCYC. Strength and balance training is especially important for our older residents now as people re-emerge after
Penrith Ballroom Dance
Ballroom dancing is a feel-good way to improve your fitness. Given the unique combination of physical exercise, social interaction and mental concentration, a
Penrith Carer Support Group
A support group for carers looking after someone with a mental illness and eating disorders. Opportunity to gain new resources and share stories about their
Penrith Street University
Designed for people aged 12-25 years of age. This program is run by the Ted Noffs Foundation and offers: youth engagement activities including street art, mu
Penrith Therapy Centre
Established 32 years ago in a cottage surrounded by trees, Penrith Therapy Centre offers you a relaxed, friendly and discreet environment where you will feel
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)
A national perinatal mental health telephone counselling service for people with perinatal depression and anxiety or perinatal suicidality as well as their fa
Phoenix Psychology Services Pty Ltd
Phoenix Psychology Services provides psychological treatment and assessment sessions in a warm, non-judgemental environment. We have over 10 years experience
Present Mind Psychology
Private psychology practice in Katoomba, providing services to ages 13-years and older. Utilising a wide variety of approaches depending on the clients' needs
Professional Psychological Services (NSW) Pty Ltd
We are a private psychology practice specialising in assessments, diagnoses and treatments since 2005. We are an eclectic team of Clinical Psychologists, Coun
PsychHelp is a Telehealth psychological service. PsychHelp allows you to receive assistance from an Australian Registered Psychologist from the comfort of you
Psychlife Clinical Psychology
Evidence-based treatment provided to adults (21+)
Psychological Therapy Services (PTS)
The Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) program, formerly known as ATAPS, provides short-term support to people who have mild to moderate mental health conce
QLife is for all ages. Qlife provides anonymous and free peer support and referrals for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer, sistergirls and brothe
Raising Awareness on Health Facebook page
Our goal is to share authorized health educational resources to raise awareness about health issues in our community and also focused on better health outcome
ReachOut Australia
An online service. Helps under 25s, their parents and schools with everyday questions about mental health and suicide.
Anyone in Australia aged 16 to 25 ca
Rural Help
Rural Help is a new psychology service that connects a variety of private psychologists with people living in remote communities VIA ONLINE COUNSELLING. Desig
Safe Space Blacktown
Safe Space Blacktown is open 3pm to 9pm from Wednesday to Saturday at 24 Panorama Parade, Blacktown.
Safe Space is a welcoming, quiet, and comfortable plac
SANE Australia
Helpline available Monday to Friday, 10am - 8pm. SANE's team of trained staff and volunteers provide free counselling, information and resources. Call 1800 18
SANE Helpline
Mental Health Information and advice helpline 1800 18 SANE
Someone Health - Bulk Billed Psychology
Someone Health is an innovative digital health clinic providing a new approach to connecting Australians with psychologists online. Our secure online teleheal
Springwood Anxiety Support Group
This support group is for anyone experiencing anxiety to come in and share personal experiences and information in a safe, friendly and supportive environment
Springwood Community Mental Health Team
The Springwood Community Mental Health Team provides a range of trauma informed and recovery orientated services designed to help support people aged between
Springwood Walkers
Slow paced weekly 30-40 minutes walking group of about 20 members in Springwood.
Walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of
Springwood Yoga Studio
Springwood Yoga Studio is based in Springwood, Blue Mountains. Yoga classes for all levels and ages. Yoga is known to increase your physical fitness and energ
St John of God
St John of God provides services that treat a wide range of mental health illnesses or conditions.Private health cover is needed to access these programs.
St John of God - OCD day program (Burwood)
Provides an intensive 18 week outpatient program for clients with OCD. This therapy program includes CBT, strategies for stress reduction, relapse prevention
St John of God Raphael Services
Provides specialist services and early intervention to parents experiencing mental health issues during the perinatal period (during pregnancy until the child
St John of God Richmond Hospital
Private, NFP hospital with mental health and substance abuse programs, and outpatient counselling and therapy centre. Volunteering opportunities including dri
St Mary& St Marina Coptic Orthodox Church
Spiritual Services & Pastoral Care services to Italian and Maltese community
St Vincent de Paul Society
Provides emergency relief/material aid, psychosocial support, disaster recovery, disability services, emergency housing, DV support, financial support, to tho
Start Talking Program - Gidget Foundation Australia
Provides support for perinatal depression and anxiety through: Support services for families suffering emotional distress during pregnancy and early parenting
Stay Strong to Keep Moving
An important collaboration has formed between Arthritis NSW, Diabetes NSW & ACT, the Heart Foundation and COTA NSW to be part of the solution that addresses t
Steps to Healing
Steps to Healing is a friendly space where Aboriginal people can come together to share stories and make connections through healing and culture. This group i
TG Psychology
We are a locally owned and operated private psychology practice, located in High Street, Penrith. We have been open since 2012, and are very passionate about
The Men’s Room (Positive Life NSW Social Support Service)
The Men's Room is an online discussion group run every second month for all men living with HIV who identify as heterosexual regardless of their length of dia
The Network
The Network is a not-for-profit organisation helping people bereaved by suicide in the Hawkesbury, Blue Mountains and Penrith local government areas. Our six
The Wellness Practice - Nepean
At The Wellness Practice, we're proud to serve the Penrith region with a range of holistic health services designed to enhance your physical and mental well-b
THIS WAY UP™ provides online learning programs, education and research in anxiety, depressive disorders and physical health. THIS WAY UP is part of the
THRIVE - Neami National
Neami National is piloting a program available to any Australian aged 18-65 with Internet access whose experience of employment has been impacted by mental he
Tresillian Parent's Help Line
Tresillian's Parent's Help Line Nurses can help with advice around your baby's sleep, feeding and development, providing information tailored to your needs an
Triage and Assessment Centre
The Mental Health Triage and Assessment Centre (TAC) is a purpose designed area that improves outcomes for consumers and carers by provision of a consumer-cen
Unbound Minds Psychology
We get it. Taking that first step can be daunting. Confusing. And even a little bit confronting. So then, why is therapy so often cold, clinical, and imperson
Visual Ventures trading as "Elizabeth Richter"
I use Mindfulness based therapy as the foundation from which all my practice evolves in my work with clients. Mindfulness based practice is both an approach a
Walk and Talk - Lithgow & Blue Mountains
Real life connection, and exercise, for the maintenance of mental health and wellbeing. Walk 'n' Talk for Life is an action group of caring people who want to
Walk Together Counselling
Walk Together Counselling offers a unique approach to counselling, providing Walk and Talk Counselling services with a renowned Western Sydney based counsello
Wattle Place - Relationships Australia
Forced adoptions support - Offers free counselling, social connection, practical support, record searching and family tracing for those impacted by past force
Waypoint Counselling
Waypoint Counselling is an online counselling service that aims to assist teenagers and young adults with their mental health needs and goals. Waypoint counse
Wellbeing Psychiatry Clinic
The Wellbeing Psychiatry Clinic provides a bulk-billed psychiatry service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients in the Blue Mountains area.
Wellbeing Support Workers - Peppercorn Services Inc.
Wellbeing support workers are available for individuals, families and communities that have been impacted by the recent floods and other disasters.
They ca
WILD Yoga and Meditation
An intimate yoga and meditation Centre located within a short stroll from Windsor Station providing yoga classes for all walks of life. Chair yoga for seniors
WiseMind - Mental Health Support in RACFs (residential aged care facilities)
The WiseMind program provides psychological therapy services for people with mental illness (or at risk of developing mental illness) living in Residential Ag
Youth Community Living Support Service (YCLSS)
The Youth Community Living Support Service (YCLSS) is a community mental health service for young people aged 15 to 24. The program provides case management a
Youth Enhanced Support Service (YESS) - Uniting
The Youth Enhanced Support Service (YESS) is a free outreach program for young people aged 12-25 years who have or are at risk of developing mental health con
ZedCare Ability Services
ZedCare Ability Services is one of the leading registered NDIS service providers in Australia. We have been assisting people with disabilities with a wide ran
Publicly available mental health information and self-help resources.
Low Intensity:
Self-help resources and low intensity interventions, including digital mental health, group and peer supports.
Moderate Intensity:
A mix of self-help resources, including digital mental health and low intensity interventions. Also psychological services for individuals who require them.
High Intensity:
High intensity services including periods of intensive intervention that may involve multidisciplinary support. Where issues may be persistent or episodic without a high level of risk, complexity or disability.
Acute & Specialist:
Intensive team-based specialist assessment and intervention (typically state/territory mental health services) with involvement from a range of different mental health professionals including case managers, psychiatrists, allied health workers, and GPs. Includes a high level of risk, disability or complexity.