We provide the following services: * Weekly home delivery of nutritious frozen meals and fresh food from our cafe in Lawson (We are the Blue Mountains - Meals on Wheels provider). * 6 Community Restaurants across the mountains each week where clients receive a freshly prepared meal and get an opportunity to socialise with others. * Disability programs including Cook + Connect Cooking programs including group work, at home cooking and work experience cooking/food preparation at Ben's Cafe in Lawson. * Social Support (accompanied shopping including companionship). * Food and Nutrition Education & Training for Over 65s (cooking and socialisation group). * Ben's Cafe Lawson which exists as a community hub and place where young people with disability can gain work experience and learn hospitality skills.
Publicly available mental health information and self-help resources.
Self-help resources and low intensity interventions, including digital mental health, group and peer supports.
A mix of self-help resources, including digital mental health and low intensity interventions. Also psychological services for individuals who require them.
High intensity services including periods of intensive intervention that may involve multidisciplinary support. Where issues may be persistent or episodic without a high level of risk, complexity or disability.
Intensive team-based specialist assessment and intervention (typically state/territory mental health services) with involvement from a range of different mental health professionals including case managers, psychiatrists, allied health workers, and GPs. Includes a high level of risk, disability or complexity.